Friday, March 7, 2014

And So It Begins...

Life is crazy, is it not?  You run from one thing to another and only finish about 25% of what you set out to do  ...on a good day!  It's fire drill after fire drill after fire drill.  The to-do list grows longer and time just sits there, not doing you any favors. 

No sweat!  I am not Superwoman.  I don't try to be.  What I am is a dreamer.  I dream of a day where I can get out of suburbia, live on some land and live a simpler life.  Is that too much to ask? That's what I am trying to find out!

I am always trying to think up ways to make things easier in my life and work towards that simpler life that I long for, whether its saving a little more money or taming the clutter that multiplies like a virus and tests my sanity.

I have so many things on my mind I need a place to "collect my thoughts", if you will, and this blog will be my "safety deposit box".  If I can deposit my ideas here I can get them out of my head and come visit them every once in a while!  :)

And why not share them with others who are feeling the same way I am?  We all struggle, and that's okay.  Let's not pretend we're perfect and have it all together.  Perfection is only an illusion.

Now how about some food for thought.  Big or small, what have you done to make your life easier?

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